About Miraculous Mind Makeover
Emotion Becomes Emotion
Hi, I'm Mel from Miraculous Mind Makeover. There is so much beauty and wonder in this miraculous world we co-create. It seems, perhaps, we have lost sight of our innate ability to create anything out of this air. Where do ideas come from? Our thoughts and emotions drive the manifestation of the external world. So if we are out of touch with our own thoughts and emotions, what are we creating - or destroying?
We are alive and thriving in the abundant Universe. We are learning and growing everyday! Find your inner strength and balance. Learn from your mistakes, feed the Wisdom Mind.
We have an interactive blog, webinars, and one-one coaching sessions available to help us all re-connect and balance thought-words-emotion-action. Be bold and Brave, peel back the layers to find the stunning soul you already are! Welcome Home!

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
- Anonymous
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Infinite Possibilities Webinar
Dedicated to Connecting You to Your Divine Power Within
Life can be summed up in three words: thoughts become things. Join this 7-week online training to unlock your innate potential! You were meant to live the life of your dreams, why haven't you yet?
This program is based on Mike Dooley’s New York Times bestselling book, Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams,
Upcoming Events
- Sun, Jul 09Webinar- link given at time of event
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